The Rathe Mountains is an enormous and dangerous zone. It lies along the southern route from Freeport to Qeynos. The high peaks hideaway many separate areas within the zone, each with its own dangers and things to discover. I think that the Rathe Mountains is generally considered just a confusing place to travel through and not a place to adventure.

Earn EverQuest Platinum by facing the mountain’s dangerous challenges. Kill the monsters lurking in the caves of this mountain together with your team or friends.

everquest platinum hunting in rathe mountains

Bestiaries in the Mountain for EverQuest Platinum

The monsters here are very powerful. There are Hill Giants and Giant Skeletons roaming some of the western parts of the zone, and Cyclops in the northwest. Many of the undead temples are covered with powerful undead, including the Dry and Ice Bone Skeletons and Giant Skeletons, as well as some named creatures I didn’t get a chance to view personally. Combine very powerful with the fact that they are almost always in a camp or around others of their kind. If you want to take on one, be sure you can take on more than that as well. Take these monsters down and you will earn EverQuest Platinum.

The other dangerous elements in this area is the evil races, is that everything here will attack you. There is a camp of paladins that will definitely come after you. I also assume the protected temple’s guardians will come after you as well. Add to that every monster and you’ve got problems.

The Mountain’s Wrath to Hunt EverQuest Platinum

The region to the north of the entrance from Feerrott has many fire beetles to hunt, there is a great deal of overlap, and you’ve seen skeletons and lizard men roaming the area as well. Most of the other monsters were either gamble or tombstone to my 10th level ranger, or were in camps with two blues and an even, for instance. There is not a great deal of hunting if you are a solo adventurer here. Bring your friends and team and together you will earn EverQuest Platinum in this area.