Jagex would like to thank to all your RS gold and Bonds donation

A lot of Rs gold and Bonds donated for the charities

Jagex would like to thank all the Runescape communities for donating their Rs gold and Bonds in the Well of Goodwill. Because of this, a lot of help and support is now given to the charities.

Runescape players donated 544 billion Rs gold and 7000 Bonds in the Well of Goodwill. This totals an amount of $90,838 which Jagex will donate on your behalf to the charities. This will divided between seven charities; Willow Foundation, SpecialEffect, Action For Kids, Games Aid, Internet Watch Foundation, HART and the DEC Philippines Typhoon Appeal.

Well of Goodwill is still available in the Runescape but players cannot donate their RS gold and bonds at the moment. Wait for the Jagex to announce on when they will reopen the Well of Goodwill.