Qeynos Hills is an area one step above the newbie area of North Qeynos, and provides good hunting for EverQuest Platinum and levels above, although it can be heavily trafficked at times with monks looking to get their putrid bones and others looking for pelts. It is a small and easy zone to get around once you get your bearings, and is the hub of activity on the western coast of Antonica.

qeynos zoning in hunting for everquest platinum

Aggressive monsters wandering around that you don’t want to get into a tangle with at too low a level. For instance, skeletons and grizzly bears, as well as rabid wolves are very deadly to many, and probably result in most of the deaths of people in this area. But if you and your group manage to survive EverQuest Platinum can be a reward for you.

Danger of the Mountain for EverQuest Platinum

One of the danger are the two ranger NPC’s wandering the zone. I haven’t found a use for them, but can’t count the number of times I’ve cursed them for killing me when I was attacked by a rabid wolf. You see, they take it upon themselves to keep “poachers” out of the area, which includes any character fighting either a wolf or bear, regardless of who started the fight.

Keep your eyes peeled for these if you run into problems with either of those two monsters, and consider carefully the benefits of hunting wolves in this area, because they are harder to avoid than bears and will attack you constantly, and the two rangers don’t care who picked on who, they’ll kill you.

The Hill’s Wrath to Hunt EverQuest Platinum

The region to the north Qeynos. Most of the other monsters were either gamble or tombstone to my 10th level ranger, or were in camps with two blues and an even, for instance. There is not a great deal of hunting if you are a solo adventurer here. Bring your friends and team and together you will earn EverQuest Platinum in this area.