When collecting STO Credits you must first choose which faction you will serve. You can choose the Federation, the Klington Empire or the Romulan Republic. One of the three factions we will feature in this blog is the Romulan Republic. Let us see the things and information inside the faction Romulan Republic.

romulan republic for collecting STO credits

Collecting STO Credits in Romulan Republic

The species you choose inside the Romulan Republic are the Alien, Liberated Borg, Reman and Romulan. Choose one of the following races and you can start earning your STO Credits. The Romulan Republic also has their own star ships. Their primary star ship is the Warbirds. It is the backbone of the Romulan military and it can also fly any tier 1-4 ship of their respective ally.

Romulan Republic for STO Credit Collection

When choosing the faction and the race you want, you must think for it twice because every action or every decision you make in STO Online are cannot be undo. It’s very hard to regret especially if you already maximized your time on a certain faction with a specified race or specie. The race and faction guides will give you a lot of help when it comes to choosing which side you will aid.