Today the featured star ship in collecting STO Credits is the T’Varo Light War Bird Retrofit. This star ship is an upgraded version of the War birds use in the 23rd century. Like the T’liss, the T’Varo has the fast speed and it can be maneuverable. This Star Ship can be unlocked at Vice Admiral or Tier 5 level War Bird.

T’Varo Light War Bird for STO Credits collecting

STO Credits Collection with Light Retrofit Ships

You can get this ship when you purchase the Legacy or the Legacy Starter Pack. This ship is equipped with the Universal Plasma Destabilizer Console. This plasma console can fire a destabilized plasma torpedo, which deals extreme damage upon impact over a large area. It can also weaken the hull armor of the affected enemies. This console does not require a weapon slot.

Great Performance for STO Credits

The T’Varo Light war bird retrofit is the smallest and most agile of the current war birds. Its natural turn rate of 18 is the highest of any existing Romulan Republic Ships. It gives the player a huge amount of agility when facing even relatively fast ships. With these three (3) tactical consoles and a commander tactical bridge officer, the T’Varo is every bit as well-suited to cannon/turret builds than any existing war birds. T’Varo is considerable the most fragile.