When we are embarking on our raid, we all know that we need a support on our hitpoints (HP). Well it is all common that we need healers. They are the life savers in each party; we can survive a mob of monsters but it is very crucial without healers. Let us review what is it to be a life saving healer class in your EverQuest 2 account.
Healers with Divine powers in your EverQuest 2 Account
In your EverQuest 2 Account there are 3 healer character classes available. You can choose to become a druid, cleric or shaman. But let us feature first the Clerics. They are the healer character class which is empowered by divine powers. They are capable of doing the tanking and healing at the same time. When you take up the path of the Clerics, you can choose of the two (2) job advancements. The Templar and the Inquisitor.
Choosing what you want to be in your EverQuest 2 Account
The cleric in your EverQuest 2 account can choose to become a templar or an inquisitor. The templar uses divine powers to mend the injured or wounded ally. They can improve the protection of their allies while making their opponents more vulnerable. The Inquisitor is capable of purging ailments. They can invoke divine strikes against their opponents.
Choose either of the two job advancements wisely because they have the ability to heal and they can be a great advantage if they are present in your party.