Instances are Aion’s equivalent of dungeons you will play these dungeons with your Aion Account. They are special zones and are named ‘instances’ because they have a separate copy for each group of players who enters them (i.e. ‘instanced zones’). Some instances require completion of an entry quest; others are available for all players who meet the level requirements.
Instances are generally PvE. There are certain exceptions, such as the arenas (PvP) and battlegrounds (PvPvE).
Play with group or solo for Rewards in your Aion Account
Monsters and bosses don’t respawn once killed, although in few cases, like certain Abyss instances or barricades, few monsters or objects may respawn as obstacles. They also offer more EXP than open-world monsters.
There is a limit on maximum number of players that can enter each instance. To enter a 1-man instance you have to be out of the group, although you can join a group once you are inside. For a 3-man or 6-man instance you are required to be in a group, for instances requiring 12 to 24 players in an alliance, and for instances requiring over 24 players in a league.
Once any member of a group enters, a copy of the specific zone is created and ‘bound’ to that group. Other members will enter into the same copy as long as they are part of that group. If additional or new party members are invited to the group while the instance is already open, they will enter into the same copy. Once a person enters, the entry count for that instance will be deducted by -1 and his personal cooldown for that zone will be initiated, which prevents going into another copy of it.
Things not to do in Instanced Farming with your Aion Account
If you leave the group while inside a group instance, you will be kicked out after 1 minute. If you rejoin that very same group, you will be able to re-enter the instance. In order to (re)-access an already open instance, at least one group member must remain inside and the original group that went into the instance should not have been disbanded at any point.
If a group gets disbanded, everyone will be kicked out of the instance and it will reset. An efficient way to do multiple runs of the same instance is thus to quit the party at the end and have the party leader ‘remake’ the party. Furthermore, if there is no player inside an instance for about 5-10 minutes, it will reset.
Additional entries and faster cooldowns can be obtained by using reset/entry boost scrolls that add +1 to the amount of entries for an instance. If the player fails to use their additional entries before the next reset, it will be wasted. If the player uses a scroll with the maximum amount of entries available,