The Terran Task Force is a joint venture between the Klingon Empire, Romulan Republic, and United Federation of Planets. These forces are working together to prevent the Terran Empire’s invasion of our Universe. Using technology originally developed by the Klingon’s secretive House Pegh to combat the Federation, the Task Force seeks to halt the Terran Empire’s attempts to conquer territory, and drive them back to the Universe they came from.
Task Force Technology Set Bonuses for STO Credits Hunters
The new set bonuses for the new space equipment set are the following:
- Secondary Discharge Capacitors (2 piece) – Passive
- Improves Starship Shield System skill
- Improves Starship Flow Capacitors skill
- Terran Task Force Shield Discharge deals double damage.
- Regenerative Weapon Feedback (3 piece) – Enhancement
- Firing Energy Weapons has a chance to regenerate your shields
- Disruptor Shell (4 piece) – Click
- Greatly reduces damage to shields while active. On expiration, deals Disruptor damage to enemies within 5km radius.
Terran Starship Munitions for STO Credits Hunters
This Terran Task Force Starship Munitions is a 3 set weapon set for STO Credits Hunters;
- Terran Task Force Disruptor Weapon Mk XII
- Beam Array: The Terran Task Force Beam Array has a chance to apply Withering Radiation, which causes radiation damage based on the number of Withering Radiation stacks present on a target.
- Dual Heavy Cannons: The Terran Task Force Dual Heavy Cannons have a chance to apply Withering Radiation, which causes radiation damage based on the number of Withering Radiation stacks present on a target.
- Terran Task Force Photon Torpedo Mk XII
- The Terran Task Force Photon Torpedo has a chance to apply Withering Radiation, which causes radiation damage based on the number of Withering Radiation stacks present on a target. This torpedo becomes more potent against enemies with lower hull integrity.
- Console – Universal – Ferrofluid Hydraulic Assembly Mk XII
- The Ferrofluid Hydraulic Assembly Console increases maximum hit points, as well as auxiliary and weapon subsystem power levels. In addition, the pressurized ferrofluid assembly allows for faster torpedo tube reloads, reducing recharge time shared between torpedoes.