High Keep is the seat of a former empire that used to spread its power over central Antonica in years past. Now, their reign has diminished under constant attacks by the Orcs and gnolls, and is restricted to High Pass Hold now. However, the inhabitants of High Keep...
The Great Weapon Fighter is a melee DPS class in hunting for Neverwinter Gold. Some fighters rely on spells; others prefer tricks and illusions. You believe that all encounters can be resolved quickly with the swift swing of a two-handed weapon. The thrill of taking...
Golden lion figurines are created as pairs and those found in the Firemane Lockbox are no exception. The Swift Golden Lion serves its owner as a legendary mount and features the powerful passive power Providence. With the power equipped there is a chance that when the...
The Hunters of Neverwinter Astral Diamonds bring Captain Blackdagger to justice will be able to raid the Blackdagger coffers, earning them some plunder worthy of mermaid’s kiss! Among these items are the green-quality Swashbuckler Companion and Brutal Enchantments!...