by admin | Aug 13, 2014 | collector, credits, online game, Online Games, pc, pc game, Star Trek Online, sto credits
When we struggle to collect STO Credits for our character we can farm for dilithium for credits. It may take time since you must grind for it to earn many dilithium. These steps might give you a hint for better production of dilithium and give you enough credits for...
by admin | Aug 6, 2014 | collector, credits, MMORPG, Star Trek Online, sto credits
We can’t avoid facing the problem in our STO Credits collection especially when we are in the need to purchase something we need. There few steps we can do for you to farm STO Credits the easy way. The advantage of these steps is; you are not going to exchange your...
by admin | Jul 30, 2014 | collector, credits, MMORPG, News, online game, Online Games, pc, pc game, rpg, Star Trek Online, sto credits, Tips, Uncategorized
Farming your STO Credits is not that easy because you have to look a place of farming this item. This weekend, they will run an event and the event will give you dilithium ore. The event will give you bonus on mining dilithium ore that will help you farm better amount...
by admin | Jul 1, 2014 | Aion, MMORPG, Online Games, Tips
It’s not easy to earn Aion Kinah especially if you are new to this game. Questing will surely reward you experience points and amounts of Kinah for item purchasing. But since your character is just new, it will cost time before you can earn a big amount of KInah or...
by admin | Jun 30, 2014 | MMORPG, Online Games, RIFT Online, Tips
The Rift Platinum Chiffon Cloth Farming item guide is specifically for farming Rift Chiffon Cloth. If you are looking for where to farm a big amount of Chiffon Cloth then you are at the correct place and below are all the details you need. Farming Area of...