Najena is a place filled with undead bestiaries with various types. The rooms are packed with them, with typically four skeletons of various types lying on the floor of any given room. Added to this are aggressive earth elementals and ogre guards, all of whom will...
Habbo is somehow the virtual world of our self. We communicate with other people on habbo the way we usually talk. We work for our needs and we need money to live but on Habbo they don’t need food literally. They work to earn Habbo coins for permanent furniture in...
The Grineer are the first enemies encountered by newly reawakened Tenno. They utilize technologically crude and undeniably effective weapons. Many Tenno have fallen because they underestimated the firepower of Grineer machines and especially in hunting for Warframe...
The Mines of Nurga are part of the large underground home of the goblins. Long ago the Mines were a vast network of busy tunnels, now all that remains are the ruins of the functioning mine and slaves busy doing the work by hand. The entrance to the Mines is kind of...
The Hunters of Neverwinter Astral Diamonds bring Captain Blackdagger to justice will be able to raid the Blackdagger coffers, earning them some plunder worthy of mermaid’s kiss! Among these items are the green-quality Swashbuckler Companion and Brutal Enchantments!...
Butcherblock is a massive zone, one of several large zones on the continent of Faydwer. It lies between Greater Faydark and the Ocean of Tears, and holds the docks for the boat leaving to Freeport on its edge. The dwarven city of Kaladim is one of the impressive sites...